Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wonderful cake

This is my Utah map cake. I loved making and eating it.The one the farthest to the right side is Catlin R. Then next to Catlin is my best and smart friend Austin H. Then me in the middle . The one in the football jersey is Tanner H, then Ashley C. the one that loved and is good at doing the cake making. We each got a huge piece of cake because we were one man short. It was fun. I mean it!!!!!


Amy said...

That looks like so much fun! Was the cake tasty?

Grams said...

You ate UTAH???? You must be really full!!

Angela said...

Where's my piece? I almost didn't recognize you in the picture there. You are getting so makes me sad, but that's life.

Rick...the meek and mild said...

Now that you are practiced at making cakes I expect you to come over and make good use of my oven!!!